star-forged worlds and sword-borne words. a world to win.
Fight the Dark that follows the Fires. Do it for the working class.
writer-worker of the global south. magickal radickalist.
the great maw of capitalism haunts us. Let us express our emotions together. Let us dream of a better world. Then, let us fight for it.Through Hingsajagra, decenter the centered. Char the uncharred. Break through all barriers. Collectivize and swing the blade into a Revolution.
Poet. Author. Serialist. Fantasist. Tabletop Game Designer. Buddhist. Non-Binary. Leftist. They/Them.JK Saavedra is a writer and game designer from and based in the Philippines. They enjoy diving deep into unacknowledged pasts, antinationalist, non-Ethnocentric ideas, consummation of Buddhacommunism and Buddhamarxism, and synthesis of Individualism + Collectivism through dialectics and dharma.They have been writing for most of their life, starting with fanfiction of video games, until he cultivated a love for hermeneutics, semiotics, and anthropology.Their favorite books are Shri-Bishaya, On Earth We're Brieflty Gorgeous, The Hundred Thousand Songs of Milarepa, and Journey to the West.One can find them anywhere either as Oinonsana (an Old Tagalog rendition of the Primordial Buddha Vairocana), or as mantrikatenzin on Royal Road.Reach out to them through: [email protected]
What The Fireleaves Danced, Novel
set your heart ablaze.
“If you beat your head against the wall, it is your head that breaks and not the wall.”― Antonio Gramsci“When we revolt it’s not for a particular culture. We revolt simply because, for many reasons, we can no longer breathe.”― Frantz FanonAnd so let me breathe.Put the gun down. You are not who they say you are. You are what you do. Now, silence in the city. No deaths in the kingdom tonight.The world will knock you down and tear you apart. What happens next? Wrath and love in equal measure. Shrug it off. Light a cigarette. Keep walking. Prove them wrong. Be your own light. Overcome yourself in a fire of dialectics. Make yourself proud. Who else can you love?Fight the Dark that follows the Fires.Undertaking the great duty of having to express the revelation churning within me. Southeast Asian Scholars once stated that artists in SEA made art not because of a muse, but because the Invisible World is speaking through them, and something needs to be seen. A message from the ancestors. A paean from the gods. My heritage burns in my blood. Now not only my ancestors sing through me, but so does the Buddhadharma and the Prajnaparamita.So let's speak about what's important. I temper my words but not my ambition. With Hingsajagra I want to build one of the greatest worlds to have ever existed. A burning bonfire conflagration, a celebration of the art of worldbuilding. Of poetry and of the failures of the 21st Century. A spear of light arising from choking ennui of material conditions. A revolution within a revolution. Through it, I want it to be more than an IP, more than just a world. I want it to be a complete universe, a world as unexplainable but as intoxicating as Ancient China, or as sacred and profane as the Biblical. Through it will arise zines, art, board games, wargames, RPGs, adventures, novels, poetry, serials, chapbooks, comics, TV Series, Movies, and more. I want it to be a world where all mediums can be its medium. A world that is so real that it needs to be told. Everyone that reckons with the world becomes a shaman. Becomes a spirit medium, having to have their Third Eye ripped open to express it. A world where worlds arise from it. Where each island is as vibrant and filled with life through love and play. Through Buddhism, Communism, and Ludology, I want to bind together a cultural association.More importantly I want it to be a world where we can live in. That means it must be a possible grounds for the stories that we ourselves are going through right now. Proletarian troubles. Sociopathic capitalists. Broken and wretched and ugly and stupid people. Us. Us. Us. I want to build a world where we can see ourselves.With Hingsajagra I want to explore and intertwine a reality and universe that is not often connected: Buddhism and Marxism. Tibetan and Southeast Asian. A constantly evolving, constantly moving, antirealist world that sings the truth of revolutionary ideals and the Buddhadharma. In a way, it is an additional way for me to interrogate my philosophy, one built upon Buddhist Grounds, one gleaned from Questions asked from the resident Lama in my temple. It is a way of realizing the pan-applicationability of Buddhism, how it can be justified across multiple ideologies, how it can be used to rephrase and explain the majority of reality. I create a world ground up from mystical-Buddhist ideals, and then I remove that ground. I remove all grounds, all natures. I criss-cross everything, create a world of interdependence. Of wretchedness arising from purity, of the sacred arising from the profane. The understanding of the only truth that everything is change because everything is empty. Everything is struggle because everything is empty.Imagining Hingsajagra is a primarily socialist endeavor. It tries to imagine the next world. A world that rejects defaults, and in truth, reality. It understands that our reality is one of capitalism, and in that vein it is antirealist. A world that rips apart the Great Man. If you've noticed from the writings I've done so far for it, a majority of it is written not through the perspective of kings and queens and the nationalist-royalist propaganda they espouse to justify their rule, but from the peasants and revolutionaries, the little gods and the workers. I believe culture arises from them, from the mad ravings about the state of the world while drinking at the side of the road, to the ailing poet giving up on her chapbook after other poets decide they don't like her, to the cab drivers who juggle two jobs to make ends meet because they have a family at home to feed.It tries to imagine a world after a Revolution. One relatively successful in bringing about a communal world. And then I set it at the end of the world. In a communist twist of Shin Megami Tensei III: Nocturne, the world has ended but the Revolution is not yet done. It must keep continuing until the entire world has been birthed. Otherwise the world will succumb to the end of all things: the power of Capital in the face of the End of the World. This is not an idealistic endeavor. This is not one where communism comes easily and the All-Good descends. It will struggle with the great enemy of mankind, Clinging, as taught by the Great Teacher Shakyamuni. The next world refuses to be won because Man clings to it, not knowing that it is empty, and that change is the only thing to be expected.Imagining Hinsajagra as a culmination of a decades worth of worldbuilding and game-designing comes easy: I build it upon the ideology that kept me alive. Hingsajagara's foundations is sunyata. Emptiness. Nothing has inherent nature, and thus nothing is inherently better than another. Everything is excessively, intricately, and impossibly interconnected, leaning against each other. We can only really lean against each other. Clinging generates suffering. Karma is the principle of consequence. All these things inform not just my life, but this world. In so doing I extinguish myself and incarnate identity through world-building.Hingsajagra espouses Sunyataist Philosophy. Sunyata is emptiness, the tenet of the lack of inherent nature of everything, even of enlightenment, even of samsara and nirvana. It is the synthesis to Idealism's Thesis and Material's Antithesis. The Concrete to Idealism's Abstract and Material's Negation. It is the Negation of Negation. As Nagarjuna says: change is possible only because of the radical indeterminancy that permeates all forms. Form is Emptiness, Emptiness is Form. No one is every something. Choose who you will be. Just because you are painted evil does not mean you have to be evil. By understanding emptiness, we understand that not even the material is concrete and ultimate. Something still exists underneath materialism. Underneath the quantum. And that is nothingness, emptiness. There is no ultimate being that penetrates us and binds us. We bind ourselves.In the same vein, culture-burgeoning, faith-burgeoning, and society-burgeoning arises. No faith arises without culture. No culture arises without faith. No society burgeons on its own. There is no destiny but consequence. The wheel of history is cause-effect, and it will keep turning forever. Cultures arise from material conditions. Cultures are constantly changing. Reject culture. Reject faith. Accept the conditions, understand that reality is criss-crossing and indeterminable, that all things we try to formalize are nothing but creating signifier, and that no signifier will ever be a complete representation of the signified.In this sense, it also moves beyond nationalist ideals. The world can only be saved by the work of all Humanity, independent of empty labels such as ancestry, nation, and faith. Nationalism is one of the easiest paths to Fascism. It must not and cannot be the end. Even Fanon has said that nationalist endeavors must quickly move past the nation and into the social. To cling to the nation in the face of Revolution is to descend, descend, descend ultimately into the Maw of Fascism. In the real world, there are conditions for a revolution but the international bourgeoisie are still successful in keeping it down and pacifying it. The American Empire was clever in realizing that a united Nusantara (Maritime Southeast Asia) would be a huge threat against international capitalism. By ripping it apart and injecting the Philippines with the poison that is their culture, they have forestalled the maritime revolution. But ew must break through it. My comrades in the PH are still stuck in the throes of nationalism, content to rehash past failures, never learning from the past for none of them in truth do the reading nor the dialectic. But we can be better. We can move forward.The games I design will hew closely to my working ideals, a dialectic argument with the Mind of the World. I will seek holes in history and reveal it to light through ludonarrative. I embrace RPGs as what it was to me when I was a teenager: a relatively low barriered hobby. Pen and Paper. I want to make it easy. All you should ever need is pen, paper, and tenacity. Role-Playing Games have taught me that. Tenacity. Determination. I will keep it on this earth.Robert Kurvitz once said: "Look for your prestige class." I want to call myself a worldwright. A play on playwright. I want to be someone that builds worlds, dramatizes them, a dialectic transmimesis of our world at large. I wanted to move past just fantasy. I called it Ultrafantasy. I called it Weird. Hingsajagra arises from 10 years worth of dedicated worldbuilding research and practice, ideas that burgeoned as I matured writing Maharlika, Karanduun, and Gubat Banwa. Hingsajagra is me, the many parts of me. In this way I practice anatman: non-self. I obliterate my ego and turn it into the world. I let the Unseen World speak through me. Revelations arise from me from every edge, every brittle bone.Everything here will be of me, from me. It will undeniably me, and in so doing I obliterate myself. I identify not with the person writing but with the world. This is all I have. I will reject generative simulacra, brittle facsimile of the world. I reject generative AI as inhuman and incomplete. The efforts of the Machine God to create new humanity without humanity.I have pitiful amounts of capital. My family is undergoing horrible heartbreaking news. We barely cling on to this world. The rainwater pours through our roof, drizzles down the side of our walls. The cockroaches try to comfort me in my ennui. But I am able to eat. I cut it back to one meal a day so I can afford to commission a few artists. I drown myself in coffee, tea, and cigarettes. No matter. Hingsajagra blossoms from my heart. A little revolution the likes no one has seen before. A revolution like a sword, a preface to the revolution like a bomb. I trust in you. I hope you will trust in me.Let all thrones fall before us. There is victory to be had. Let us seize it with both hands. I am always with you even if you are not with me. Do it for yourself. Do it for the ocean.Set your heart ablaze,Makapatag / Waks“Since all is empty, all is possible.”― Nagarjuna
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